Thursday, July 30, 2009


It is never something that I have dealt well with. I used to just bottle it up and not talk about it, ignore that I was angry. I become the peace keeper, problem solver and general counsler to anyone who would listen. I couldnt deal with my own emotions, wouldnt cry in front of people would never get angry. I could rationalize anything I become very very good at seeing the other side to a story. Understanding where each person was coming from and their view of the situation wether it was close to reality or not. I saw this as an amazing strength which most of the time it is. The problem is that it makes me to rational, I didnt get angry really ever, I always understood why things went the way they did and so it never bothered me. I liked being able to stay calm and removed and objective so I thought. Then I opened my own business and the stress began to wear on my resolve to be objective and always look at both sides of the story. I began to be peeved at the small things, feeling sick all the time over finances, not wanting to talk to people or deal with my daily life. I got over it and moved on and with support from my family took to the business and life with more vigor. 

Then I was able to look at both side of the story again and went back to my peaceful calm. Then I began to feel angry when people honked at me on the freeway, or cut in line or wasted my time and didnt even seem to care. I began to worry that I was slipping. Then I realized something, all of these things were reasonable things to get upset or angry about. I could still understand the other persons point of view and where they were coming from but when their inconsiderate behavior was directed at me I find it harder every day to make excuses for them. I also have bad days, and good days but I try not to let my bad days encrouch upon others in a negative way. Remember just cause your having a bad day doesnt mean your the only one or you should project your negativity on others. Be kind and remember your bad day is probably not their fault.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I created this blog as a space for my thoughts and ramblings as I continue through life. My background is a little unconventional. BS in Chemistry from UCDavis, 5 years working as a professional horse trainer and riding instructor, 8 months running my own business and getting married to my bf of 8 years in a little more than a month.
I cannot promise anything I post will have meaning or make sense but it will be my thoughts and comments on experiences I have in my life. :)